Blog USB 讀寫速度為何?

讀取與寫入速度對於決定購買哪一種 USB 型號非常重要。但是什麼是讀取和寫入速度,以及為什麼它們如此重要? 對速度的需求

什麼是好的 USB 讀寫速度? 我們所有的快閃記憶體磁碟機型號都提供 USB 2.0 連接器選項。我們大部分的機型也提供 USB3 連接器選項。以下是各 USB 接頭選項的讀寫速度指南。 USB2.0:
。 連續寫入速度範圍 = 3~10 MB/s


哪些因素會影響讀寫速度? 最重要的因素是 Flash Drive 的內部零件。在 Flashbay,我們使用來自第一級供應商的高品質內部零件。

USB 3.0及PCI Express Gen 3.0 支持 - 技嘉7系列主板充分运用Intel新平台上最新的传输连结与扩充技术。

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flashbay Author: Sarah Chambers
4 Comments | Leave yours 
Chris , Flashbay | 03 Oct, 2024
Hi Aharon,

Thanks for your question.

Here is one way to check the Read and Write speeds via Task Manager, if you're using Windows

Step 1. Press "Ctrl+Shift+Esc" at the same time

Step 2. Open the "Performance" section.

Step 3. In the left-side menu, select your USB drive.

Step 4. You can then see the read and write speed of your USB drive on the right-side window.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Aharon Zwiebel | 02 Oct, 2024
how can I check the usb flash drive`s w/r speed?
Chris , Flashbay | 03 May, 2022
Hi Ben,

Thanks for getting in touch.

An Account Manager will be in contact shortly regarding your request.

Many thanks,

Chris at Flashbay
Ben Himes, Nexus CMF | 28 Apr, 2022
Hello, we are looking for a USB 2.0 flash drive that we can brand. It will be used for a medical device, and needs to permanently maintain a write speed > 5 MB/sec. It's important that we get this rate continuously, as some sticks might have it for a period of time and then reduce it for some time. 16 GB should be sufficient for the memory. 

Please let me know if  this is something that you can help me with. 

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