Blog 可重複使用的隔溫水壺

我們的水瓶系列有多種款式和顏色可供選擇,並可印上您的商標。 Nova水瓶是我們最受歡迎的款式之一,採用高品質的不銹鋼製成,具有防溢蓋,不用時可安全蓋上。


但 Nova 最受歡迎的特色之一,就是它的雙層隔熱技術,能讓熱飲保持熱度,冷飲保持冷度,不會出汗或結露。


在這裡查看我們的 Nova 頁面,瞭解更多產品細節。如果您對一些價格、品牌選項或樣品有興趣,可以填寫快速報價表。我們的客戶經理會盡快與您聯絡。

flashbay Author: Sarah Chambers
1 Comments | Leave yours 
Manisha , pepxo | 06 Aug, 2021
Truely said the use of stainless steel water bottles have increased . People are getting more aware about the use of steel water bottle. Plastic bottles are harmful for our health and environment. In addition Stainless steel water bottle have various advantages over other bottles. You can also try Pexpo steel water bottle. These bottles are durable and dent free.
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